Kindred Connects: Your Money and Community Matters

Introducing Kindred’s New Social Impact Themes

Written by Kate Pearce | July 11, 2024 8:51:32 Z PM

If you’ve been a member of Kindred Credit Union, even for a short time, you are aware of how much our values and purpose mean to us. Our purpose is cooperative banking that connects values and faith with finances, inspiring peaceful, just, and prosperous communities. And our shared values – integrity, compassion, stewardship – are woven into everything we do. From how we treat each other as teammates, members, and in community, to how we approach our personal and business finances, these values motivate us. 

 As times have changed, so has our approach to engaging and positively impacting our communities while our values continue to reflect our founders’ vision of putting mutual aid into faithful practice. A question we have asked ourselves many times throughout our 60-year history is: What is the best way to live these values and put them out into the world?

Late last year, we considered how we might focus our efforts and have the greatest impact in our communities right now, addressing the issues that are most pressing to folks. Through our first Social Impact Study, we consulted with members, community partners, the market, and Kindred team members, and asked them to tell us what issues were of the greatest concern to them and their communities. The answer was very clear: housing, hunger, and mental health.

 As a financial institution, in partnership with our members and community organizations, these are areas where we know we can have a positive impact. These three Social Impact themes are deeply connected to each other, and we know that by making an impact in one area, there will be indirect impact in the other two.


Kindred builds strong partnerships to advance the availability of affordable housing in our communities. From homelessness and rent affordability for those on fixed incomes, to the need to provide adequate homes for newcomers, Kindred recognizes affordable housing as an urgent need where we can have an impact.


From farms to food banks, community gardens to grocery distributors, the food systems in our communities are key to our health and well-being. We engage with many different partners to improve access to healthy food and contribute to the development of a sustainable food system.

 Mental Health

Mental health is a state of well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute meaningfully to their community[1]. An individual’s mental health is affected by numerous factors from daily life and is impacted across a person’s lifespan. At Kindred, we recognize the deep connection between mental health and peace – for ourselves, families, and communities.

 Beginning July 1, these themes will allow us to make the greatest impact in our community partnerships and philanthropy. To be sure, Kindred will continue to support congregations, churches, and faith communities through our values products and services. And financial health continues to show up in all aspects of our business, including the Each One Teach One financial literacy program, and more recently in the expanded eligibility of our Generations Account.

 Kindred builds relationships with community organizations through sponsorships, volunteering, and engagement. We believe that our communities benefit from this support and that our actions inspire our team members and members to live out their values in tangible ways. Our partnerships and people, along with our giving and programs, combine to create a unique approach that helps inspire peaceful, just, and prosperous communities.

 [1] WHO. Mental Health (2024).