Banking With Purpose

Kindred Credit Union encourages reflection on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Written by Kindred Credit Union | August 10, 2021 12:51:02 Z PM

Branches and head office to be closed September 30, 2021

Kitchener, ON – Kindred Credit Union (Kindred) will be recognizing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30. All Kindred branches and head office will be closed on this date and will reopen for service on Friday, October 1.

A new federal statutory holiday, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation was included as part of the Calls to Action in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s final report in 2015. As noted in the Calls to Action, the day is meant to “honour Survivors, their families, and communities, and ensure that public commemoration of the history and legacy of residential schools remains a vital component of the reconciliation process.” 

On the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Kindred is encouraging staff members and members alike to take some time to reflect. “The day is intended to be more than another holiday,” notes Ian Thomas, chief executive officer at Kindred. “It’s meant to create space and time to reflect on the ways we can all take action to participate in reconciliation.” 

This spring we created a video that explores Kindred’s Community Inspiration Framework and highlights our ten focus areas, which include Indigenous Justice and Reconciliation. Kindred is committed to learning, building partnerships, and mobilizing our resources to make tangible progress towards reconciliation. 

Over the coming weeks, Kindred will be sharing resources from community partners. We invite you to invest some time on this holiday to reflect and consider your role in reconciliation today and in the future, at home, at work, and in your community. Please keep an eye on social media and for more resources to come prior to September 30.