Kindred Shares Over $1.1 Million with Members

1 minute read

Profit Shares program continues to reward member loyalty.

Kitchener, ON – Kindred Credit Union is pleased to announce that it recently shared $1,120,000 from its 2020 earnings with members! Each year Kindred allocates a significant portion of its annual earnings to return to members through its Profit Shares program. In fact, over the last 10 years Kindred has shared over $11 million with members.

As a values-centred, faith-inspired financial cooperative, we’re called to manage the funds entrusted to us with integrity as we walk with our members on their journey to be good stewards of their finances. For Kindred, stewardship also means choosing to give back to our members and the communities in which we live and work. And in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this is more important now than ever.

The Profit Shares calculation considers members’ deposit and loan business with the credit union. All members receive a minimum of $5 in Profit Shares each year, and many receive much more.

“Kindred is built on our members’ success, and it’s their commitment that allows our credit union to thrive,” notes Ian Thomas, Kindred’s Chief Executive Officer. “We believe that sharing our success is the right thing to do. It’s part of who we are and how we live out our purpose.”

Kindred’s Board of Directors approved the 2020 Profit Shares amount based on very positive financial results—the credit union is in a strong and stable financial position. While the long-term economic effects of the pandemic are still uncertain, Kindred’s history of weathering financial uncertainty during times of crisis can be attributed to prudent fiscal responsibility and members’ unwavering support of their credit union. Kindred thanks its members for their loyalty, support, and business. The credit union is committed to offering ongoing support to its members and communities during this challenging time.

Learn more about Kindred’s Profit Shares program.

Kindred Credit Union

At Kindred, we believe you have a better choice for banking. We believe values and faith are central to life, and financial decisions are not values-neutral. In fact, we think financial decisions can impact the world in amazing ways—so our values are integrated into everything we do. We call this Banking with Purpose.

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