Banking With Purpose

Share Newsletter: Spring 2022

Written by Kindred Credit Union | March 2, 2022 3:25:37 Z PM
  1. MCC Power of Partnership
  2. Kindred’s Charitable Fund
  3. Let’s talk about savings
  4. Kindred Shares $1.45 Million with Members

MCC Power of Partnership

The partnership between Kindred Credit Union (Kindred) and Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) continues to emphasize their commitment to strong communities of support and engaging new people in their respective missions. There is remarkable alignment between Kindred’s Community Inspiration Framework and MCC’s work in Ontario. With a shared history and many points of connection, why mess with a good thing?

“We see the needs in our communities continue to offer us new challenges,” reflects John Head, MCC Ontario Executive Director. “What has worked in the past may not be what will work in the future. Being strategic in the decisions we make, there are opportunities to leverage our strengths with other like-minded organizations.”

“MCC has been such a close partner for all these years and we want that to continue for many years to come,” continues Kindred CEO Ian Thomas. “So, we asked ourselves, how can we intentionally and creatively deepen our partnership for greater impact? What are the strategic decisions we can make together?” 

Read the full blog article → MCC Power of Partnership


Kindred Charitable Fund 2022 Grant Recipients

Buying at shops, paying friends, and accessing cash is so much easier today

We’re pleased to introduce the 2022 Kindred Charitable Fund grant recipients. These 17 organizations will receive a total of $85,000 in funding in 2022, to help them in their work to inspire peaceful, just, and prosperous communities.

Since its inception in 1999, the Kindred Charitable Fund has distributed $1.35 million in support of 171 churches and charitable organizations, impacting people and communities across Ontario.

Read the full blog article → Charitable Fund Announces Grant Recipients


Let’s talk about savings

It may sound basic, but are you doing it? There are many reasons why saving should be a priority. First, saving allows you to make larger purchases without borrowing—like that new media system or bikes for the family. Also, saving offers you peace of mind when an emergency comes up—it could be anything from unexpected home repairs to a sudden job loss. 

While we can’t plan for everything, saving does allow us to prepare for uncertainty, and it feels good because we know we’ll be able to take care of our responsibilities. Saving also helps you build for your future, like starting a business or planning for your retirement. 

Most of us don’t like the idea of being in debt, but when we spend without a plan, it’s easy for that to happen, and it’s really important to remember that access to a line of credit doesn’t replace saving. 

Spending your money as it comes can make you feel like you don’t have enough to save. That’s not true! Saving can be easy with good habits. When you set aside money every payday with automated transfers, your savings add up almost without noticing! And, when you keep your savings separate from your day-to-day spending account, it makes saving easier and it gives you a sense of accomplishment as you watch your new account grow.

One way to help you get motivated is to set a goal that you want to work towards. Start with your emergency savings account and, once you reach your goal, you can start saving for large purchases. As your savings grow, you can begin to think of investing to boost your returns and save for the long-term.

You can do this. Speak with a member of Kindred’s Wealth and Investment Team today to start planning and jumpstart your savings. You can ask us anything! 

Banking on the Go – Get ‘app-ready’ for March!

We’re excited to announce that we’re planning to release an updated app for personal and business members in March!  

You’ll find the updated app on both ANDROID AND APPLE APP STORES on launch day: 

A better banking experience 

The updated app will offer increased speed and stability, giving you fast and reliable services wherever you choose to do your banking. The app’s fresh, modern look will translate into a more intuitive, user-friendly experience. This new platform increases Kindred’s ability to implement future enhancements that will continue to improve your banking experience. Plus, the new app reflects the latest accessibility standards, making mobile banking easier for all our members. 

By expanding choice and access, we’re inviting those who wish to connect their values and faith with their finances the option to experience Banking with Purpose wherever they’re at! 

Please call Kindred at 1.888.672.6728 if you have any questions or email us at

March is B Corp Month!

As a certified B Corp business, Kindred is part of a global movement of community leaders. Being awarded with a B Corp Certification means that a business meets a high standard of verified performance, accountability, and transparency while embodying certain values and characteristics.

Every March is B Corp Month. Throughout the month we are taking time to celebrate everything it means to be a B Corp business, building awareness of the movement, and educating community members on what it takes to transform our economic system for the better.

For 2022, B Corp Month is focusing on “Behind the B” – a campaign that asks “Who knows what’s really going on behind closed doors?” and encourages companies to be transparent in their business practice. Behind the B’s theme takes its audience from education to inspiration, and finally action, showing people why buying from, working for, and working with a B Corp business is about investing in a better world for all.

You can join the conversation by following #BehindtheB this March and visiting to read more about how Kindred is working to create peaceful, just, and prosperous communities by #BankingWithPurpose.

Protect yourself from Fraudulent Scams

Anyone can become a victim of fraud and the two best defenses against these fraudulent acts are education and awareness. March is Fraud Prevention Month. Be on the lookout on, social media, and in our branches for tips on how to protect yourself from fraudulent scams. 

Identity Theft


Vishing Scams

Overpayment Scams


Kindred Shares $1.45 Million with Members

Kindred will pay Profit Shares to members, totaling over $1.45 of our 2021 earnings! That means we’ve shared more than $10.5 million with our members over the last 10 years. 

We exemplify our core value of stewardship by sharing a significant portion of our annual profits with our communities, as well as our members through Profit Shares. The amount we give each year is calculated based on members’ annual deposit and loan business. All members receive a minimum of $5 in Profit Shares annually. 

Details of your Profit Shares can be found on your February account statement. 


Read the full blog article → Kindred Shares $1.45 Million with Members