The Peace Innovators Scholarship and Mentoring Program

1 minute read

Do you know a high-school student in Grade 11 or 12 with a great idea to make a difference in the community? Encourage them to apply for the Peace Innovators Scholarship and Mentoring Program, offered through a partnership between Kindred Credit Union, the Kindred Credit Union for Peace Advancement (CPA), and The Ripple Effect Education.

Through the Peace Innovators program, students work either individually or as a small team to tackle a problem in the community that they are passionate about. By dedicating time and energy toward their chosen project over the course of a school year, Peace Innovators are given the opportunity to work with community experts to better understand the problem and develop the capacity to look at it from a variety of perspectives. Students spend about 40 hours building and implementing their plan and engaging in learning workshops that give them the tools for their Innovation Plan to succeed. 2022-2023 marked the sixth year of the program, and supported projects that promoted diversity in schools and addressed stigma around homelessness and mental health.

Kindred’s history is deeply rooted in mutual aid and peacebuilding. Kindred builds relationships with community organizations such as the CPA because we believe that our communities benefit from this support and that our actions inspire our staff and members to live out their values in visible ways. Our partnerships and people, our giving and programs, combine to create a unique approach that inspires peaceful, just, and prosperous communities. Kindred looks forward to continuing to support and champion current and past Peace Innovators for their dedication and hard work, as they exhibit the values that embody our purpose.

If you know a young person with a desire to be a changemaker, encourage them to apply for a Peach Innovators Scholarship. Applications for the 2023-24 school year are open now until April 30.

Kindred Credit Union

At Kindred, we believe you have a better choice for banking. We believe values and faith are central to life, and financial decisions are not values-neutral. In fact, we think financial decisions can impact the world in amazing ways—so our values are integrated into everything we do. We call this Banking with Purpose.

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